How to run pyjobber

Pyjobber uses argparse to cast several command line commands into pyjobber.

List modules

After pyjobber is installed (e.g. with your new task), you can get a list modules by simply running pyjobber without any commands.

[~/]$ pyjobber
INFO:Run the Jobber
WARNING:Select from a list of modules:
WARNING:-> ExampleModule
WARNING:-> ScratchLoader

Run a Module

To run a specific module it is enough to select it in advance:

[~/]$ pyjobber ExampleModule

Run the help

You can get any time a help overview (–help)

[~/]$ pyjobber ExampleModule --help

Run your Pyjobber

If you have a specific pyjobber adjustment it is suggested to move your argparse evulation into each module instead of the main() function.

Last but not least, you can choose to parameter option how often a certain task should be executed:

[~/]$ pyjobber ExampleModule --once

The option –once runs the task only once

[~/]$ pyjobber ExampleModule --sleep N

The option –sleep N defines the sleep time between executing tasks continously.

Run Pyjobber Tasks as Python Package

With the installation of Pyjobber there comes a package which you can easily import into different Python project. Here comes a quick example how to setup and run an example task from a Python terminal.

#ToDo: Some better description how to run pyjobber as a package